Jumat, 31 Maret 2017
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Product details
File Size: 1697 KB
Print Length: 392 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1635653150
Publisher: Rodale Books; 1 edition (February 12, 2019)
Publication Date: February 12, 2019
Sold by: Random House LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B07D23151V
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#10,149 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I am a woman in my 60s who wants to age naturally and gracefully. I am pleased to say I have avoided synthetic methods of managing the changes to my body. However, until I read Dr. Snyder's book, "The Essential Oils Hormone Solution" I did not realize how many other physical and emotional challenges I still have that are rooted in hormone imbalance. And some of these are caused by environmental influences I cannot control. I realized I was tolerating or minimizing discomforts when natural options for correcting them are available Dr. Snyder's book is a "Guide to Operations" for taking control of our health. She explains in very simple and accessible terms how to use natural solutions, including the power of essential oils, to maximize our health and well-being. I highly recommend this book for women -- young and more mature -- as well as for men, as they face hormone issues too!
I thought this book was about balancing hormones, but it's all about weight loss. However, I wasn't looking for a weight loss book. I wanted to learn more about oils and getting my hormones balanced without the addition of bio identical hormones, but I couldn't get through all the weight loss stuff. The author included lots of essential oil formulas, and I guess that could've been good for someone who already has a cabinet full of 20-30+ oils. I spent 2 hours in the book and confess I didn't read every page. When I realized it wasn't what the title inferred, I returned the book the next morning. I gave the book 3 stars, because it may be helpful for someone else.
I am so excited about Dr. Mariza Snyder's new book. In my functional medicine practice, many of my patients are interested learning more about the intersection between essential oils and natural health. Dr. Snyder has been my go-to expert about essential oils and their clinical applications for years, and this book is an excellent resource. In a very easy to read format, she explains the how hormone dysregulation can cause havoc in the body, and she gives you great information on how to confront these challenges while incorporating essential oils in your daily routine. Highly recommend!
SO disappointed in this book. The diet is SO unhealthy! Meat, dairy, eggs. Salad dressing with 1/2 Cup oil, seriously! Better get yourself a cardiologist lined up. If you’re some one over 55 or have had a hysterectomy, book is of no real value. Sending book back.
My book arrived last night and I cannot put it down! Written by someone who has experienced fatigue, over-drive, stress and hormone imbalance, her book is an easy read complete with self-help tips which are manageable. The Essential Oils Hormone Solution provides answers to questions women have struggled with for ages. Every woman should have this for themselves, their daughters and their mother.
Wow, I can't put this book down. Dr. Mariza has done a wonderful job explaining it in simple words that anyone can understand. I suffer from bad menstrual cramps so I am willing to try her techniques to finally find relief. I am going to do the 14 day rescue plan. Dr. Mariza has put a lot of research into this book and the different chapters in it. This is one book that I will definitely will read again. I also purchase this book for my sister can't wait for her to read it also. I think every woman should read this book. Dr. Mariza I can't say THANK YOU enough for writing this book!!!!!
Absolutely love this book and Dr. Mariza Snyder. This is a great tool to help balance your hormones. She even includes a 14 day rescue plan to balance your hormones safely with essential oils.
YES! Finally a book that uses essential oils to help us with hormones! Dr. Mariza knows what she’s talking about and gives very clear, helpful information. It’s a book everyone needs to have on hand whether you’re new to oils or have been using them for years. This will be a book I gift to several people. Buy it! You’ll love it!
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