Minggu, 31 Januari 2010
Free Download Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh
Free Download Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh
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Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh
Free Download Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh
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“It’s hard to imagine a grander, more thrilling story…fast-paced…hugely entertaining…Big Bang is, quite literally, cosmic.” (New York Times)“Inimitable. . . . There’s no better account of the big bang theory.” (Publishers Weekly (starred review))“A clear, lively, and comprehensive view of the way science arrived at the leading theory of how everything began.”- (Kirkus Reviews (starred review))“This book is a blast...who knew that the Big Bang could be so much fun?” (James Gleick, bestselling author of CHAOS and FASTER)“Singh is one of the best science journalists writing today...Impressive.” (London Times (Sunday))“An expert but friendly guide to help you decode the mysteries [of the universe] with crisp, clear running commentary.” (Sylvia Nasar, author of A Beautiful Mind)“Singh’s unerring eye for picturesque anecdotes and his capacity for simplifying complex scientific ideas is a winning formula.” (Saturday Daily Telegraph (London))“(Singh) is a gifted expositor, ready to venture to places other science popularisers don’t even try to reach.” (The Mail (on Sunday))“Highly readable… Singh brings the colourful protagonists in his story to life.” (New Scientist)“Singh spins tales of cryptic intrigue in every chapter.” (Wall Street Journal on The Code Book)
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About the Author
Simon Singh received his Ph.D. in particle physics from the University of Cambridge. A former BBC producer, he directed the BAFTA Award-winning documentary film Fermat's Last Theorem and wrote Fermat's Enigma, the best-selling book on the same subject. His best seller The Code Book was the basis for the BBC series The Science of Secrecy.
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Product details
Paperback: 560 pages
Publisher: Harper Perennial; Reprint edition (November 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780007162215
ISBN-13: 978-0007162215
ASIN: 0007162219
Product Dimensions:
5.3 x 1.4 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
174 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#96,689 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
When I bought this book, I imagined it would begin with the discoveries of Mr. Hubble, but I was wrong again!In fact, this book is a history of the entire science of cosmology, and so it begins with tribal myths, and the first struggles of the pre-Socratics --- and then on to the bean-eater, Pythagoras! (Actually, I'm not sure right now, whether Pythagoras required the eating of beans, or forbade it. Religious nuttery, in either case.)Since I've just been reading William Dunham's Journey through Genius: The Great Theorems of Mathematics, I was a little surprised to be encountering the same cast of characters all over again, but let me say that Singh's account is much, much better for the general reader. Dunham has no problem covering 2-3 pages with calculus formulas, and Singh wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. Nevertheless, for the very first time in my life, I have a clear understanding of how the Copernican Revolution occurred. I used to have a mish-mash of Tyco Brahe, Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo which was not clearly understood. but Simon Singh explained it to me. In brief: Copernicus was the first to revive the thoughts of an ancient Greek "heretic" who believed in a sun-centered universe. But Copernicus wrote very badly, and his book was sabotaged at the printers literally as Copernicus lay dying. Enter, stage left, Tyco Brahe, an eccentric nobleman who made the most exact astronomical observations in history, and drank too much. (He also had a metal nose...) The humble Lutheran "peasant" Kepler was the man who did all the hard math work, using Brahe's observations and Copernicus's theory, and he published the definitive work which explained that the planets did NOT have circular orbits, but elliptical orbits --- an idea which made "Aristotelians" foam at the mouth. Finally, enter Galileo (stage right) bearing a weapon of great power --- the telescope. The telescope eventually proved Kepler right in just about every detail.This is a very enjoyable and educational book, which reminds me of that great TV series, "Connections." Very highly recommended!
Big Bang is a very comprehensive summary of Physical Sciences, leading to Astronomy and eventually to Cosmology. This is by far the best book from Simon Singh. A well articulated story starting from Ancient Greeks to the modern Nobel prize winners. He describes in detail the Greeks assumptions of a round and spinning earth. And their measurements of Earth's circumference (Eratosthenes), relative sizes of moon and earth (Anaxagoras), and the distance to Sun (Aristarchus).Moving to the middle ages, the story of Tyco Brahe who took observational astronomy to an entirely new level of accuracy. Tyco's experimental data was interpreted correctly by Kepler who was myopic and suffered multiple visions from birth. Experiments of Galileo with pendulum, falling bodies, his observation of planets with the newly invented telescope and his ultimate friction with the Church. He mentions how Galileo could uniquely maintain religious beliefs and scientific dogmas in his mind at the same time, without any conflicts.On how Newton stood on the shoulders of the Giants and built on the planetary model to explain Gravity. William Herschel used telescope to discover the distant planets and their satellites. He came up with a rough size of the Milky Way Galaxy. His son John started recording the celestial pictures on newly invented medium-photography. With this technique, Astronomy entered a new phase.Beyond the Renaissance, how Einstein comes up with his thought experiments leading to theories of relativity (Special and General). For the first time I could understand that Special theory of relativity applied to bodies moving at constant speeds while General theory applied to accelerating or decelerating bodies. Time dilation and length contraction occur in fast moving bodies. How his theories lead to Alexander Friedman's prediction of an evolving Universe. How George Lemaitre's concluded that General theory of relativity implied a moment of creation, and hence Big Bang. And Einstein ended up denouncing both of them and came up with a Cosmological constant, which proves to be the biggest blunder of his life. George Lemaitre is a Belgian monk, who like Galielo, had a good balance between Science and Religion. Letting neither interfere with the other, but at the same time being deeply involved with both.John Goodricke discovered that the Cepheid stars have variable brightness. Because, unlike our Sun, they are not in a state of equilibrium. They go thru cycles of contraction and expansion. Henrietta Leavitt found a relationship between the period of fluctuation and apparent brightness by collecting data from a group of Cepheids in the Magellanic cloud. A team of astronomers found the distance to one Cepheid. Henrietta's theory was used to calculate distances of other Cepheids. Hale's efforts to build bigger and bigger telescopes. Edwin Hubble's greatest contribution by using these telescopes to prove that Andromeda is a separate Galaxy and that the Universe is undoubtedly expanding. Hubble's law vindicated George Lemaitre and Alexander Friedman.Ralph Alpher and George Gamow predicted that in the early Universe, after the Big Bang, matter existed as plasma, which cooled to 3000 degree centigrade and condensed to atoms, as the cosmic fog lifted, and Cosmic background radiation was emitted in all directions. This red shifted light in the microwave region was discovered by Penzias and Wilson of AT&T. Fred Hoyle, in spite of his adherence to the loosing Steady State theory, made a significant contribution to the explanation of the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements from dying stars.Final chapters on the COBE's (Cosmic Background Explorer) precise measurements of Cosmic background radiation and subtle temperature differences in radiation of early Universe, leading to creation of Stars and Galaxies. This was the climatic moment for the Big Bang theory.This book is a must read for anyone interested in Cosmology.
Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh PDF
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Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh Mobipocket
Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh Kindle
Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh PDF
Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh PDF
Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh PDF
Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe (P.S.), by Simon Singh PDF
Rabu, 20 Januari 2010
Free Ebook Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin
Free Ebook Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin
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Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin
Free Ebook Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin
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“My goodness, this cookbook! It’s filled to the brim with recipes for the most splendidly beautiful cakes, cookies, breads, and tarts I think I’ve ever seen. My eyes kept getting wider and wider as I turned every page—both the flavor combinations and the photos are out of this world. Irvin Lin has most definitely outdone himself. This book is a triumph!”—REE DRUMMOND, New York Times best-selling author of The Pioneer Woman Cooks “Irvin Lin gives home-baked treats a twist, ramping them up with a range of contemporary flavors that are sure to surprise and delight. From beer-battered brownies to smoky butterscotch taking a classic cake to the next level, I can’t wait to mix, stir, and bake my way through Marbled, Swirled, and Layered!”—DAVID LEBOVITZ, author of My Paris Kitchen “Leave it to Irvin to hit it out of the park with Marbled, Swirled, and Layered. Every recipe is an inspiration! I want to make, and eat, every. single. one.”—ELISE BAUER, founder of Simply Recipes “Irvin is not only an accomplished and creative baker, he is a generous teacher. Home cooks will find all of the tips and techniques necessary to feel supported and comfortable—as well as inspired—in the kitchen. No one should miss the recipe variations! I love the modern versions of traditional recipes, great new flavor combinations, and—of course—the invitation to use flavorful flours other than wheat!”—ALICE MEDRICH, author of Flavor Flours and Chewy Gooey Crispy Crunchy Melt-in-Your-Mouth Cookies “Irvin Lin is a master at creative baking. I’ve admired his Eat the Love blog for the delicious goodies and lovely storytelling. I’m excited to see desserts with such interesting flavor combinations in his first cookbook. They are truly works of art!”—LORI LANGE, author of The Recipe Girl Cookbook and founder of RecipeGirl.com “If the old aphorism ‘Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first’ is true—and I believe it is—then Marbled, Swirled, and Layered should be the cookbook every sweet-loving baker reaches for first. Between its sinfully delicious covers are recipes for some of the most luscious, tempting desserts ever. I dare you not to lick the pages.”—DAVID LEITE, publisher of the James Beard Award–winning website LeitesCulinaria.com “Love this book. It’s packed with all the style and brilliance that made Irvin Lin such a must-read food writer online. This book is all about incorporating big flavors into your baking with style: swirling, studding, and supercharging recipes to a magical effect. Cakes are cut to reveal extraordinary fillings or sliced to show beautiful marbling. Cookies and bars offer striking geometric effects. Recipes are easy enough to encourage, but with enough intricacy to keep you interested and, yes, impress friends and family. Five-star baking at its best.”—DAN LEPARD, food writer and baker “This book is captivating. The recipes are unique, but more so, they are carefully crafted. The ingredients were chosen to complement each other to create the most magical experience. I found myself smiling as I read this book. The combination of amazing recipes and entertaining words makes it one of my favorites!”—AMANDA RETTKE, best-selling author “I couldn’t be more excited for Marbled, Swirled, and Layered. Irvin’s recipes are so unique and his flavor combinations inspire me to be more creative in my own kitchen. This book belongs on the bookshelf of every baker, no matter their level of expertise.”—TORI AVEY, PBS food columnist and creator of ToriAvey.com "This debut cookbook's no-frills title belies a wealth of thoughtfully composed and marvelously complex desserts, such as jumbo Arnold Palmer cookies, Seville orange bars with salted shortbread and gin meringue, and pumpkin and ginger swirl ice cream pie with pecan-maple crust. In chapters for cookies, brownies and bars, cakes, breakfast goods, and more, food writer Lin competently explains baking basics and shares supplementary information on ingredients, techniques, and food science. Most recipes include two to three flavor variations, and many can be made gluten-free using flour blends and conversion tips appearing in an introductory section. VERDICT Lin's outstanding first book can help all home bakers to expand their repertoire and think more creatively about flavor combinations."—Library Journal (starred review) "The pastry chef’s skills range wide, calling upon training in physics, chemistry, and culinary technique to produce artful and tasty desserts appealing to the widest possible audience. San Franciscan Lin has mastered his craft, and he shares his deep knowledge to educate others. The cookies and cakes Lin has imagined here go far beyond the commonplace. Some of the recipes will challenge even the chef’s professional peers, but a few will prove attractive and intriguing to the everyday home baker. The sharply defined pinwheel effect of his cinnamon honey bun cookies can be duplicated with some practice and patience. Lin’s sense of humor extends to a cake that duplicates commercial cream-filled chocolate cupcakes. Every recipe has one or two variations that transform flavors from the basic version. For those who need to avoid gluten, Lin has developed wheat flour substitutions that perform perfectly. Culinary students can glean much from Lin."—Booklist “Lin…takes risks in nearly every one of the 150 elaborate recipes in his book. He doesn’t just paint the lily; he bejewels and shellacs it, too. You can almost see his mind buzzing as he adds mesquite powder and teff flour to malt chocolate-chip cookies, and roasts white chocolate until it caramelizes to make extra-gooey blondies with strawberry-balsamic jam. At times the recipes sound over the top (Rosemary Caramel and Dark Chocolate-Potato Chip Tart, for one), but in the end they were artfully balanced.” —The New York Times "Before you devour Lin’s bars and pies, be sure to pause and admire his artful frosting and beautifully scattered crumbles.” —Entertainment Weekly
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About the Author
IRVIN LIN is the award-winning photographer behind the blog Eat the Love. A former art director, he’s now a blue-ribbon baker and food writer whose work has appeared in Better Homes and Gardens, Buzzfeed, Food52, and Best Food Writing 2014.
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Product details
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (November 1, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0544453735
ISBN-13: 978-0544453739
Product Dimensions:
8 x 1 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
57 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#209,782 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I had been looking forward to digging in to this book for a while, and it didn't disappoint! It's full of delicious and creative recipes, and interesting twists on classics.I will say this book isnt necessarily geared towards beginner bakers, but even if you are a beginner, Irvin has made even the more complicated recipes very accessible, with tips and hints throughout that will help relieve any anxiety you feel about attempting new things (like making your own caramel or laminated dough).I'd say I'm somewhere between a beginner and intermediate level baker, and this book is a great balance of recipes I'll feel pretty comfortable making, and recipes that will challenge me and help me grow. I already made the salted caramel cheesecake brownies and they are AMAZING.If I have one criticism of the book, it's that I wish it had more photos. The photos are beautiful and they really helped me picture some of the recipes, and I like a visual guide sometimes. All in all, I highly recommend this book (would make a great gift for anyone who loves or even dabbles in baking).
Alright, let's just say with over 2,000 cookbooks and many of them baking books, I can be a tough cookie to impress!And yet impressed I am, VERY, by "Twirled, Swirled And Layered. From the first read, I have become author Irvin Win's cookbook groupie who wants to join his fan club, ensuring I am first to know when he releases his next book. ( hint, hint, Irvin!)Right off the bat Irvin has taught me a few new things. Usually the kitchen tools section is something I quickly skim past. Not so fast! You are sure to pick up a few handy tips no matter how experienced you are as a baker. It made me feel like Irvin was personally sharing his insider knowledge. The same goes for the ingredients and the gluten-free conversion sections. In other words, this is a cookbook worth reading.Onto the recipes...Categories are: Cookies; Bars; pies, Tarts, Cobblers, and Crisps; Muffins, Breads, and Breakfast Goods; and A Little Bit More.What is "A Liitle Bit More"? I will let Irvin explain:"From cheesecakes to parfaits, from ice cream to eclairs, here are a few extra recipes that are unexpected in their flavors or execution. Think of this as my own twist ending, but a little sweeter and a lot less expensive than anything Apple would announce."Can I volunteer to be a recipe tester? A baking elf on the shelf in his kitchen? I love this book and want more. Be sure to check out his blog. I did after purchasing his cookbook.Do you like photos? This book has yummy full-page pics for some recipes. One look and photographer Linda Xiao has made me want to rush to get out the mixing bowls---until I realize it is after midnight on a workday, lol. I do wish there was a photo for each recipe but will take more recipes over more photos if forced to make that Sophie's Cookbook Choice.But it is the actual recipes that earn this tome a place in my cookbook hall of fame and prompted me to write this review.The recipes are original in a good, not weird, way. And most recipes have unique variations included, adding extra value. The alternative recipes are worthy in their own right, not just minor tweaks on original recipes where an author swaps out a single ingredient.For example, I randomly flipped open the book to:Honey Lavendar Cheescake Bars (a lovely light purple swirled delight). The alternative variation is:Slow-Roastes Balsamic Strawberry Cheescake Bars.Or how about: Dark Chocolate Whoppie Pies with Raspberry Marshmellow Filling? Oh yeah, baby! Alternative variations: Classic Whoppie Pies with Vanilla Bean Marshmellow Filling; Sweet Potato Whoppie Pies with Triple Ginger Marshmellow Filling, and Butterscotch Whoppie Pies With Apple-Cream Cheese Filling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am supposed to say Doris Greenspan's new book on cookies is my favorite buy of the holiday season. And don't get me wrong, that IS an awesome cookbook. But we're all friends here, right? Got to say THIS is the one I am grabbing if my house catches fire during a late-night, sleep-deprived bake in 2017.
I'm a complete novice in the kitchen, hence, following recipes can sometimes be overwhelming for me. However, I found the recipe that I made--the pistachio butter swirl fudge brownies--to be approachable and they ended up being super tasty!I look forward to making more items! And enjoying the gorgeous photography!
This book is a beautifully photographed and well thought out collection of incredible recipes. I really love that every single recipe comes with 2 alternative flavor combinations/alterations so that each recipe is really 3 recipes in one. His conversion tables, hints, and explanations of technique are incredibly helpful. This would make a great gift for any baking enthusiast.
Love this gorgeous cookbook! Now that winter has arrived, I find myself snuggling under a blanket with this book almost nightly just to look through the pictures and recipes trying to decide which to make next.I believe the phrase "life-changing" was used as a friend was stuffing a Spiced Pumpkin Pie Bar on Chocolate Shortbread Crust with Mascarpone Frosting into her mouth. Another friend was sensitive to the grapefruit zest in the Grapefruit and Earl Grey Bread which made her mouth tingly but insisted on eating three pieces of it because it was just so darn delicious (her words). And the Cinnamon Honey Bun Cookies? I literally saw someone at work eating them whole. Repeatedly.So needless to say, Irvin Lin's recipes are amazing. I'm really looking forward to trying all the flavor variations which are creative but not esoteric. I also greatly appreciate the enormous amount of easy-to-understand information in the beginning of the book from which I learned a lot, even as an avid baker, as well as the WEIGHT measurements offered which makes baking so much more efficient. LOVE WEIGHT MEASUREMENTS.So in summation, if you like to bake, and/or like eating delicious baked goods, you should immediately buy this book, and/or buy it for people you know who are likely to bake things for you, because everyone should have the experience of eating the deliciousness that springs forth from these pages.
This is my new favorite baking book. The recipes are a refreshing change from much of what I see in baking books now. Irvin has done an excellent job of finding delightful flavor combinations I wouldn't have thought of putting together. It makes trying the recipes for the first time a lot of fun. The text is well-written, full of personality and the photography absolutely gorgeous. One perk I enjoy about this book is the alternative options within recipes. Highly recommend.
Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin PDF
Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin EPub
Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin Doc
Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin iBooks
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Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin Mobipocket
Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin Kindle
Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin PDF
Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin PDF
Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin PDF
Marbled, Swirled, and Layered: 150 Recipes and Variations for Artful Bars, Cookies, Pies, Cakes, and More, by Irvin Lin PDF
Kamis, 07 Januari 2010
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Product details
File Size: 563 KB
Print Length: 28 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: May 21, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Enhanced Typesetting:
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,097,733 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
no secrets here--just a rehash of information we have all gleaned from other sources over time. If, however, you are new to the credit card crunch, this will probably help.
This book lacked detailed information, such as our rights, what to do with collection companies when they keep opening old debt.
A lot of good information for those who don't know a lot about credit repair.
Rabu, 06 Januari 2010
Get Free Ebook L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary
Get Free Ebook L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary
When someone should recognize something, this book will possibly assist to find the answer. The reason that analysis L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating The Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, And Played, By George Geary is a must is that it will certainly offers you a brand-new means or much better way. When a person attempts to make an initiative to be success in particular point, it will assist you to know how the thing will be. Well, the very easy method is that you may obtain involved directly to act in your life after reading this book as one of your life sources.

L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary
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Even though some of these restaurants opened before I moved to the United States, I appreciate the style and flamboyancy of these historic establishments. They paved the way for Nobu restaurants and I am honored that the old L’Orangerie restaurant is now Nobu Los Angeles. The book is fantastic and a must-read.”Chef Nobu, Nobu and Matsuhisa RestaurantsThe wake of Tinseltown’s heyday left behind some of the most iconic art and culture in American history. This is the perfect book for the food-obsessed who are also romanced by L.A.’s rich history.”Curtis Stone, chef and restaurateurThis is a wonderfully evocative look at L.A. dining in an earlier timeand a reminder of how many good and imaginative restaurants the city has had, and how much fun it was to eat in them back then, before the era of restrictive diets and hipper-than-thou cuisine.”Colman Andrews, editorial director of TheDailyMeal.comThe best of L.A.’s food history is all bound together in George Geary’s remarkable book. Our restaurants in Los Angeles would never exist without these legends.”Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo, Los Angeles chefs and restaurateursGeorge Geary’s book is a retrospective sublimely rich in history and flavor. It is a testament to L.A.’s diverse cornucopia of cuisine.”Suzanne Tracht, executive chef and owner of JarFrom the Googie-inspired diners to the wholly fictional 'South Seas' of Don the Beachcomber and Trader Vic’s to the movie star hangouts of the Brown Derby and Chasen’s, L.A.’s Legendary Restaurants is a giddy, celebrity-filled look back at the culinary scene of twentieth century Los Angeles. I dare you to read this book and not feel nostalgic for those days.”Russ Parsons, former food editor of the Los Angeles Times"A splendid ride through Old Hollywood! George Geary entices our sense of taste with his descriptions of famous dishes and recipes from L.A.'s classic restaurants and our sense of adventure with his antic tales of Golden Age celebrities. For me, the best part was the sense of preservation in the descriptions, facts, architect listings, and pictures of the fabulous buildings that housed these iconic restaurants, many of which have been lost to time." Joselle Celine Gilvezan, historic preservationist
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From the Inside Flap
Includes Over 100 Iconic Recipes Adapted by Chef Geary!L.A.’s Legendary Restaurants is an illustrated history of dozens of landmark eateries from throughout the City of Angels. From such classics as the Musso & Frank Grill and the Brown Derby in the 1920s, to the see-and-be-seen crowds at Chasen’s, Romanoff’s, and Ciro’s in the mid-twentieth century, to the dawn of California cuisine at Ma Maison and Spago Sunset in the 1970s and ’80s, L.A.’s Legendary Restaurants celebrates the famous locations where Hollywood ate, drank, and played.Award-winning chef, best-selling author, and renowned educator George Geary leads you on a tour of these glamorous restaurants through a lively narrative filled with colorful anecdotes and illustrated with vintage photographs, historic menus, and timeless ephemera. Over 100 iconic recipes for entrées, appetizers, desserts, and classic drinks are included, and all have been updated by Chef Geary for today’s cook and kitchen.L.A.’s Legendary Restaurants is sprinkled with fun facts and trivia, from Elizabeth Taylor’s craving for Chasen’s chili on the set of Cleopatra, to Bob Hope’s favorite place to enjoy a hot fudge sundae after the Academy Awards, to the restaurant where a table was sawed off to accommodate a pregnant Lana Turner, to the soda fountain counter where composer Harold Arlen wrote Over the Rainbow” for The Wizard of Oz.The book runs the gamut of L.A.’s restaurant scene, covering not only the fashionable, high-priced eateries favored by the Hollywood cognoscenti, but also the drive-ins, drugstores, nightclubs, and bars frequented by the average Angeleno. What book on L.A. restaurants would be complete without tales of ice cream sundaes at C. C. Brown’s, cafeteria-style meals at Clifton’s, late-night breakfasts at Ben Frank’s, or mai tais at Don the Beachcomber?Most of the locations in L.A.’s Legendary Restaurants no longer exist, but George Geary has brought their memories back to life. And with Chef Geary’s updated recipes, we can still enjoy many of the same iconic dishes that kept customers coming back to their favorite haunts again and again.
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See all Editorial Reviews
Product details
Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Santa Monica Press (October 11, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1595800891
ISBN-13: 978-1595800893
Product Dimensions:
8.8 x 1 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
49 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#95,183 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I have been a fan of George Geary for close to 20 years and have taken classes from him, traveled to France, Scottsdale, New Orleans and taken many other day trips he has hosted because he is a story teller, history buff and one of the most entertaining and likeable people I've ever met. In his newest book, L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants, he takes his love of history to a new level. Growing up in Long Beach, CA, in 1947, I had heard of many of the places he writes about in his book. My parents went dancing at the Palladium, we ate lunch at Bullocks Wilshire tea room,and the Coconut Grove was our "grown up" venture for date night graduation. The list goes on and on. To have all of the pictures and history in one book takes me back so many years and just makes me smile. I have all of George's other books (all cook books) that are east to duplicate (mostly) with unfailing results. They elicit rave reviews and make me feel like a seasoned baker! Bravo George. This is such a delightful addition to your repertoire!
I enjoyed all of the "inside info" about various Hollywood celebrities. Capturing these folks while dining really added significance to their movie related roles.The recipes are fantastic. I have made the some of the famous salad dressings and they are easy to make and provide some new flavors I have not experienced.The history of these famous restaurants is very interesting. I can remember some of these restaurants when they were flourishing and it was a very special treat to dine in any of them.
This is a gorgeous book. Beautifully crafted and well-written. I've been in LaLaLand all my life, and enjoyed not only the memories of places long gone, but many of which I'd had the opportunity to enjoy in their heydays. Historically, it's fascinating, and what a treat that so many recipes are included. I've given it as a gift to three other folks now, and will again.
An absolutely joy to read. So many great recpies, and so many great stories about the restaurants and the owners/chefs and patrons who visited. Also, great pictures. I would recommend to anyone who loves food, history, and restaurants of Los Angeles.
It left out many of the restaurants that made the area so famous. It was disappointing.
My third copy—gave two as gifts because the reviews, recipes, photos of places I knew and loved make for a great book.
Right product, good price, received quickly.
Fabulous book with great retro recipes and excellent period photos. What a treasure.
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary PDF
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary EPub
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary Doc
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary iBooks
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary rtf
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary Mobipocket
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary Kindle
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary PDF
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary PDF
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary PDF
L.A.'s Legendary Restaurants: Celebrating the Famous Places Where Hollywood Ate, Drank, and Played, by George Geary PDF
Minggu, 03 Januari 2010
Free PDF Star Wars Icons: Han Solo
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"Star Wars Icons: Han Solo is a beautiful coffee table book laid out with interesting facts, stories and interviews. The pictures selected are unique and fun to see, especially for someone who traveled with the history of Lucasfilm as I did." (Howard Kazanjian, Producer, Return of the Jedi/Executive Producer, Raiders of the Lost Ark)"This book is an amazing, in depth approach to the character. If you are any kind of Solo fan, this is the seminal work for you." (Channel Star Wars)"Insight Editions and Gina McIntyre spared nothing, and this is the essential book for Han Solo fans. I imagine you’d be hard pressed to find a Star Wars fan it didn’t impress." (Star Wars News Net)"Star Wars Icons: Han Solo captures the magic of the character from Han Solo’s beginning to the latest iteration of him played by Alden Eichenreich in Solo: A Star Wars Story." (Dork Side of the Force)"Like the character himself there still seems to be a few surprised up its sleeve" (Fan Girl Blog)"I cannot gush about this book enough, it's phenomenal." (TheForce.Net)"I was getting goosebumps flipping through the artwork" (Journals of The Jedi)"To see it is to love it." (Tarkin's Top Shelf)"There aren’t enough words to gush over this book" (Fantha Tracks)"Literally the best book I've ever bought." (The Wampa's Lair)
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About the Author
Gina McIntyre is a veteran entertainment journalist who has covered movies, TV, and music for the Los Angeles Times, the Hollywood Reporter, and Entertainment Weekly. She is the author of Guillermo del Toro's The Shape of Water: Creating a Fairy Tale for Troubled Times and The Art of Ready Player One. Her writing has also appeared on RollingStone.com. She lives with her husband and daughter in Riverside, Illinois.
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Product details
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Insight Editions; Media Tie In edition (April 2, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1683834968
ISBN-13: 978-1683834960
Product Dimensions:
9.2 x 1.1 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#14,011 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
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Star Wars Icons: Han Solo PDF
Star Wars Icons: Han Solo PDF
Star Wars Icons: Han Solo PDF
Star Wars Icons: Han Solo PDF
Jumat, 01 Januari 2010
Download , by Alexandros Itsios
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Product details
File Size: 70463 KB
Print Length: 76 pages
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Publisher: Alexandros Itsios; 1 edition (August 30, 2014)
Publication Date: August 30, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#421,030 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I loved it! It not only teaches you how to DRAW manga. It teaches how to correctly set up a panel, backgrounds, and things like that. Of all the "step by step" books, this one is extreme! I feel like Monique went the extra mile with this one. DEFINETLY for the beginner! Oh- and did I mention that she teaches you how to solve common mistakes in manga? This is a great book! Definitely a keeper!
Pretty good drawing book.Mainly focuses on proportion of characters with a lot of great tips on what to and not to do.If you are looking for a step by step guide then this is somewhat okay.But overall a very good manga book.
Decent art book. Teaches you the basics with lesson and understanding check format. Also teaches important things like perspective. Good for artists to use.
I'm no professional at reviewing,but,I think this was AMAZE SAUCE .I think the author is brilliant.This book gives you "Pros" +"Cons".Also what not to do what to do.I think everyone who likes manga will enjoy this book.Recommend this to everyone!Peace :)
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